New Design Countdown!!!
ONE WEEK, dear friends, until the new Rabbit + Crow design is available to you, ONLY via the Rabbit + Crow Shop!
7 DAYS until you get to buy t-shirts, mugs, stickers, and t-shirts sporting a brand new, never before seen by anyone - not even by me - completely thrilling original image!
A QUARTER MONTH from now you can be the first on your block, or street, or the first in your city, or country, to own a brand new staggeringly beautiful Rabbit + Crow design, which is GUARANTEED* to make you laugh, think, ponder, laugh, weep, giggle, swoon, convulse, gag, flap about, and laugh, and think!
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1ST! That's the day to mark on your calendar, or calendars. Wake early. Eat a hearty breakfast (avoid heavy starches though, as these may make you feel sluggish). And go to the Rabbit + Crow Shop with your card of choice in hand!
Or you go there NOW and buy more of the old stuff.
* not an actual guarantee
7 DAYS until you get to buy t-shirts, mugs, stickers, and t-shirts sporting a brand new, never before seen by anyone - not even by me - completely thrilling original image!
A QUARTER MONTH from now you can be the first on your block, or street, or the first in your city, or country, to own a brand new staggeringly beautiful Rabbit + Crow design, which is GUARANTEED* to make you laugh, think, ponder, laugh, weep, giggle, swoon, convulse, gag, flap about, and laugh, and think!
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1ST! That's the day to mark on your calendar, or calendars. Wake early. Eat a hearty breakfast (avoid heavy starches though, as these may make you feel sluggish). And go to the Rabbit + Crow Shop with your card of choice in hand!
Or you go there NOW and buy more of the old stuff.

* not an actual guarantee