My New David Rees Technique Is On
If you didn't go see the great David Rees at REDCAT Theatre this past Saturday, then you are a Fool.
I didn't see David Rees at REDCAT this weekend. And I'm a Fool. So there you go. Actually, if you didn't see David this weekend I think you may be, in fact, me. To level with you...I fully believe you are me, but we must be scientific about these things. We must be rigorous. So...
And I can't speak for those who live in Austin and haven't yet seen the stageshow based on Rees's's Nobel Prize-worthy "Get Your War On", but I'm assuming, if you are one of them there, and you ain't seen it, then you're a Fool too. And so, also, probably, me as well. The show runs till February...oops...11th. So if you haven't seen it yet, sorry. Guess what? You're a fool - i.e., me.
But us we in Los Angeles have a last chance to redeem ourselves, for God is merciful and kind, and USC has a renowned journalism school.
TONIGHT, David Rees will APPEAR at the University of Southern California, Waite Phillips Hall, RM B28, 6:30PM.
Will I be there?
You can bet your neckbone I won't be. No, sir. For I am a Fool, you see. And I have a date with friends to catch a screening of "Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room" (2005). But you should go, definitely. And if you go, then me will go too, for - as we have established - you are me. And if you do go, you may perhaps expunge your Fool-ishness and so, no longer be me...etc.
I didn't see David Rees at REDCAT this weekend. And I'm a Fool. So there you go. Actually, if you didn't see David this weekend I think you may be, in fact, me. To level with you...I fully believe you are me, but we must be scientific about these things. We must be rigorous. So...
you = One who didn't see David Rees at RedCat
One who didn't see David Rees at RedCat = A Fool
Neal = One who didn't see David Rees at RedCat; or Neal = A Fool
you = Neal
And I can't speak for those who live in Austin and haven't yet seen the stageshow based on Rees's's Nobel Prize-worthy "Get Your War On", but I'm assuming, if you are one of them there, and you ain't seen it, then you're a Fool too. And so, also, probably, me as well. The show runs till February...oops...11th. So if you haven't seen it yet, sorry. Guess what? You're a fool - i.e., me.
But us we in Los Angeles have a last chance to redeem ourselves, for God is merciful and kind, and USC has a renowned journalism school.
TONIGHT, David Rees will APPEAR at the University of Southern California, Waite Phillips Hall, RM B28, 6:30PM.
Will I be there?
You can bet your neckbone I won't be. No, sir. For I am a Fool, you see. And I have a date with friends to catch a screening of "Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room" (2005). But you should go, definitely. And if you go, then me will go too, for - as we have established - you are me. And if you do go, you may perhaps expunge your Fool-ishness and so, no longer be me...etc.