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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Forth Ducklings!

Spring in Ealing brings out many little critters - including the squad of tiny lithe brand new squirrels in our back garden and this mini-flotilla of ducklings at Walpole Park.


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That is a totally great picture Neal! Wishing you well -- I can't wait to hear about the baby!


P.S. 28 WEEKS LATER... totally rocks! Could it be the best zombie film since Romero's first two...?

- By Blogger Matt, at Mon May 28, 03:49:00 AM GMT+1  

Wow! That is a hell of an endorsement, coming from you.

We have been putting off seeing it, but are really looking forward to it. I was a little suspicious of its being just another inferior sequel.

And we are in the final days...weeks?...days. Now we play The Waiting Game.

Nah, The Waiting Game sucks! Let's play Hungry, Hungry Hippos!

- By Blogger Neal Romanek, at Mon May 28, 01:18:00 PM GMT+1  

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