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Saturday, June 16, 2007

N Romanek Bio Update

I have updated my Bio page at NealRomanek.com.

The final line on the page, which used to read:

"Neal Romanek ... currently lives in London, England with his wife and three extremely dangerous cats"

now reads:

"Neal Romanek ... currently lives in London, England with his wife, his DAUGHTER, and three extremely dangerous cats"

Please make a note of it.

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Try and resist the temptation to name her Kitty Pride.

- By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sun Jun 17, 12:03:00 AM GMT+1  

Cool! So you had a daughter who moved in with you?

- By Blogger Adam Renfro, at Sun Jun 17, 09:39:00 AM GMT+1  


Thank you very much. And - amazing perception on your part - I was actually suggesting the name Kitty Pride yesterday! I might have even been serious.

- By Blogger Neal Romanek, at Sun Jun 17, 11:13:00 AM GMT+1  


Yes! She just moved in. She just arrived in town on Thursday. Actually, she just arrived in the country on Thursday.

Actually, she just arrived in the world on Thursday!

- By Blogger Neal Romanek, at Sun Jun 17, 11:15:00 AM GMT+1  

Congratulations, Dear Boy. And to the delightful Mrs. Walker-Romanek as well. Have you chosen a name? If I may suggest:
1. Alice
2. Sasha
3. Beatrice
4. Thespian
5. Rootcrop

Please feel free to discount the last two.

Let us know & post some PICTURES!!!

- By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Jun 18, 04:34:00 PM GMT+1  

Thank you, thank you, Mr. Anonymous T!

Those are some good names you've suggested. I rather like "Alice".

- By Blogger Neal Romanek, at Mon Jun 18, 05:15:00 PM GMT+1  

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